Today in Kenya ...
53.77 million people live in the country[1]
36,1% people lives on less than the international poverty line
16 million people can’t afford to meet their basic needs: includes food, non-food needs such as clothing and shelter[2]
Food insecurity
36% of the population is food insecure[3]
12 million people go hungry or are malnourished[4]
54% of households (at least 4 times in the week) do not consume meat in Kakamega county
83% of households (at least 4 times in the week) do not consume fruits in Kakamega county[5]
Drinking water & Sanitation
29% per cent of the rural population has no access to any kind of water system[6]
12% of sanitation in Kakamega is open defecation[7]
31% of sanitation is unimproved[8]
94% percent of the people living in rural areas have no electricity[9]
1 doctor for 34 916 people and 1 nurse for 2 658 in Kakamega county [10]
70 000 and over people are touched by AIDS in Kakamega county[11]
Women violence
40.7 % of women are confronted with lifetime’s partner violence: physical and/or sexual intimate[12]
21 % women has genital mutilation or cutting[13]
Deforestation and environmental degradation
50,000 hectares of forest are lost each year
50% of the forests are gone, resulting in more droughts, floods and other dire consequences for communities, ecosystems, food security and infrastructure.
[3] (in 2017)
[10] file:///C:/Users/mcdc/Downloads/Kakamega%20County%20Integrated%20Development%20plan%202018-2022%20(2).pdf
[11] (in 2019)
[12] Proportion of ever-partnered women aged 15-49 years experiencing intimate partner physical and/or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. Source:Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and ICF.2014. Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2014.
[13] Percentage of girls and women aged 15 to 49 years who have undergone FGM/C. Source: UNICEF SDG Target 5.3.2 global database 2018, based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) and other nationally representative surveys